Thursday, April 30, 2015

PIE Receives State Awards!

Awards Won by PIE:

What is the ORCA?
The Oregon Reader's Choice Award was founded in 2010.  The award is intended to be a fun and exciting way for Oregon youth in grades 4-12 to become enthusiastic and discriminating readers.  During the course of the school year, Oregon students choose their favorite book in a real-life democratic process.

How are the books chosen?
Books must be nominated for inclusion on the ORCA ballot.  In order to be considered, the book needs to have a copyright date of two years prior to when the ballots are announced.  This delay ensures that the title will be readily available in paperback during the voting year.  Oregon students, teachers, and librarians are all able to nominate books.  The nominations are reviewed by a committee of librarians and educators.  The committee creates the final ballots based upon a number of criteria, including literary quality, creativity, reading enjoyment, reading level, and regional interest.

Who may vote?
Oregon students in grades 3-12. To qualify for voting, the person must have read, or listened to, at least 2 books in one of the divisions.

When does voting take place?
Voting takes place online between March 1-31. 

. The purpose of the Grand Canyon Reader Award is:
  • to encourage Arizona young readers to become better acquainted with recently published quality books.
  • to honor favorite books and authors.
2. The award is given annually in the following categories:
  • Picture Books
  • Intermediate Books
  • Tween Books
  • Non-fiction Books
  • Teen Books (voting optional)
3. The winning book in each category is determined by the vote of young readers in Arizona.

4. An award is given in each category, including the illustrator for the winning picture book.

5. The awards are presented at the annual AzLA conference.

6. The Grand Canyon Reader Award is sponsored by the Arizona Library Association.

The Volunteer State Book Award is sponsored annually by the Tennessee Library Association and the Tennessee Association of School Librarians. Each year, children across Tennessee are asked to read books from a list of nominated titles.  The Volunteer State Book Award has four divisions--Primary (K-2nd Grade), Intermediate (Grades 3rd-5th), Middle School (Grades 6-8), and high school (grades 9-12).  In the spring, those students who have read or listened to at least three of the titles from the list are eligible to vote for their favorite titles. These votes are tabulated and sent to the state organization. The book with the most votes statewide wins the award. The author of the book receives a plaque and is invited to Tennessee to receive the award.

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